

Liposuction, commonly referred to as ‘lipo’, is cosmetic surgery procedure to remove excess fat deposits from specific areas of our body in order to enhance body contours and proportion and makes us look slimmer and fitter. Liposuction eradicates fat from our body parts mostly using the suction method. In short, it removes that stubborn, surplus fat from our body that is difficult to lose through diet and exercise in comparatively lesser time and gives us a much-desired physique.

Initially, it was mostly used for removal of fat from the abdominal area but now it is being performed on almost every part of the body that needs fat reduction, say – abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, flanks(love handles), buttocks, legs and even face!

This surgical procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia and might require hospitalization.

Different Liposuction techniques–

  • • The conventional method involves tiny incisions being made in the specific area and a sterile solution is injected into it. A hollow tube (cannula) attached to a surgical vacuum is then inserted through the incision to suction away the fat deposits.
  • • Advanced techniques, like- UAL (Ultrasound assisted liposuction), Laser-assisted liposuction (SmartLipo) basically uses sound wave or laser to produce energy bursts that heat up the fat tissues and emulsifies them. Later, the emulsified fat is gently removed via aspiration.
Different Liposuction techniques

It is usually done to change the body shape but it is NOT a treatment for obesity or a substitute for proper diet and exercise. Post Liposuction, resultant weight loss is of short-term nature and needs to be maintained through proper diet and exercise to ensure long-term benefits.

The basic surgical objectives of any liposuction procedure are:

  • • To remove the accurate amount of fat
  • • To ensure that least disturbance is being caused to adjacent tissue, such as blood vessels and connective tissues
  • • To ensure that the person’s fluid balance is not altered.
  • • To cause the least discomfort to the patient.

Liposuction is not an effective cure for cellulite – the dimpled skin that typically appears on the thighs, hips, and buttocks, neither it can fix loose or saggy skin.

Postoperative care instructions must be carefully followed and in a few weeks time, you will get the desired body shape.

We are one of the best liposuction clinics in Siliguri and we can guarantee optimal results as per your requirements.

Liposuction FAQ's

What is Liposuction?

It is a surgical procedure that gets performed to omit the excess fat from different parts of our body.

Our doctors at Plastic Surgery Plus, We take the utmost care in ensuring the process goes through with minimal hassle and the patient does not feel any pain. Anaesthetics are applied pre-surgery to ensure that.

Minimal tightening up takes place which is negligible.

After diagnosing the doctor determines how many incisions the patient need depending upon the area and size of the location.

To book an appointment, contact us on our helpline.

An Exciting Path To A New You

To book a consultation, send your appointment request online. Visit on selected date with atleast an hour in hand.
